Tattle Tales Need Not Apply....

If you know me at all then you know I have verbal diahrea. Stuff falls out of my mouth when I do not have my foot in it. This Blog is to let my friends know what life is like with Alex. Sometimes, I will say not nice things. I will use bad words. I will type like I speak. If you are easily offended then this blog may not be the place for you. This is my place to shout, bitch and moan about all the wonderfulness that is Ebstein's Anolmaly and having a "baseball" husband.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I am going to lose my bananas on the folks at UCLA.....I know that to be a doctor you have to be smart....although you can be a "C" student kind of doc....BUT...the people that do the scheduling, coordinating, explaining....are they finding them in a ditch? How can the surgical scheduler not coordinate with the other departments for ALL the tests? Do I live in LA? No...I do not...I live in Tucson, where my cardiologist's office would have coordinated all of this for me if I was doing this here. Stupid UCLA. But, I guess the one good thing is that they are so tortured by the memory of the last time Alex was there that I can get thru the cardiology dept. pretty quick and now...poof...all scheduled. I'm going to have to start pulling a paycheck if I'm going to be doing their jobs. I told Charlie his job is to block the door when I start offing people. He has to block their escape....as I freak out I don't want to be yelling at any ones back as they run out the door...that would be rude. We aren't even there yet and they have already pissed me off. Dr. B (Alex's cardiologist) is probably rolling on the floor laughing at the poor UCLA folks...he knows me...how I get about Alex and his care...hopefully he hasn't called ahead and warned anyone. The biggest problem is that we were supposed to be admitted to the hospital on Monday for all the tests...so much easier when you are inpatient...but noooooo..now it's all gonna be outpatient. Echo on Monday, followed by me stalking certain attending physicians to make sure that they are still in Alex's corner if I need them. Then possibly a sedated MRI or heart catheterization..yuck...with a day of rest on Wednesday and then surgery on Thursday. Going to love comforting a cranky baby after a cath in a hotel. CRAP!

Now...Michael Jackson...it's a sad, sad thing BUT...thank God that Alex's surgery is next Thursday and not today...what a nightmare for the patients. Some jackass pulled the fire alarm...imaging if the fire alarm goes off and your kid is in the middle of heart surgery, or is out of surgery...still on the ventilator...what do you do? Burn would be the answer, I'm assuming. Last time we were there was when Brittney Spear went nuts...paparazzi EVERYWHERE....they used to pop out of the botanical garden path where we would walk to get to the hospital just to see if people were sneaking into see her. Fun! Right now grandpa is there...giving blood for Alex to use during surgery...that whole "same blood type as the father" thing...FALSE. I am A+, so is Charlie...Alex...A-...can you believe it? When did a positive + positive ever equal a negative????

So now I'm counting down...we leave in 2 1/2 days...so prepare for a lot of four letter words and insults about their mothers....UCLA...I wasn't planning on being a bitch...now I'm going to make residents cry...just for fun.