Tattle Tales Need Not Apply....

If you know me at all then you know I have verbal diahrea. Stuff falls out of my mouth when I do not have my foot in it. This Blog is to let my friends know what life is like with Alex. Sometimes, I will say not nice things. I will use bad words. I will type like I speak. If you are easily offended then this blog may not be the place for you. This is my place to shout, bitch and moan about all the wonderfulness that is Ebstein's Anolmaly and having a "baseball" husband.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Why Yes....I Am The Worst Mother in the World.......

The crawler...dum dum duuummmmm! It is this wacko, homemade thing that is supposed to help "delayed" or lazy kids learn to crawl. Not that I'm complaining that this one is homemade. the real deal is about $1000.00, this one is a loaner from a place called Adaptation Station that alters stuff for kids with disabilities or Alex. They altered his little Radio Flyer car for him...seat belt,,padded seat so he wasn't a big slouch. BUT...the crawler....I've been waiting to use it when he was doing better with his neck and not having the big freak-out every time he was on his tummy..so...today seemed like a good day to try. Did he like it, NO. Did he want to be in it, NO. Was he screaming bloody murder, YES. Was he the most miserable kid on the planet, YES. Was I laughing a little bit because he sort of looked like superman, YES. Did this experiment frustrate the crap out of me, YES!!!!!

But because I am the worst mother ever, I kept him in it and helped him use his knees to push across the floor. So he screamed, and cried, and coughed....well...because crawling requires one to take their damn hand out of their mouth...oh no...the Horror!! But we made the circuit from the living room to the dining room....I took pics and a little video. He needs to be mobile. He needs to get on with it. I want him to catch up to the other kids. I remember when Tyson was this age running around at the mall and sooo excited to push the buttons on the elevator. I got the "newsletter" form the public school district the other day and it talks about special ed. That is not what I want for Alex...his brain works his psyche gets in the way but the school won't care. They'll label him, spend 5 minutes a week with him and call it speech therapy, THEN they'll tell me I'm so lucky to be in the program. Um OK, I've seen the program on other kids...no thanks.

So I am now going to push and prod him until he is crawling to GET AWAY FROM ME!!! I 'll take it. Just move, crawl, walk,run, something before I go insane. I love Alex but carrying around a dead weight bag of flour is NOT what I signed up for. I've done his schedule, tried to be helpful and supportive...sorry baby, time's up...you're in my world now and it's going to suck...just ask Tyson.