Tattle Tales Need Not Apply....

If you know me at all then you know I have verbal diahrea. Stuff falls out of my mouth when I do not have my foot in it. This Blog is to let my friends know what life is like with Alex. Sometimes, I will say not nice things. I will use bad words. I will type like I speak. If you are easily offended then this blog may not be the place for you. This is my place to shout, bitch and moan about all the wonderfulness that is Ebstein's Anolmaly and having a "baseball" husband.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My Friend the Witch Doctor.....

I believe in God, I am not a big fan of religion. For ME, they are not mutually exclusive. I am open minded to a fault. I believe that if my marriage ever ends it will NOT be because of infidelity or some other thing but a direct response that Charlie will have to my inner hippie. Tyson goes to catholic school because I want him to have a quality education and learn with kids that have the same values....notice i did not say religion. That's Charlie's thing, not mine, important to him but I don't care. It's my job to teach my kids about GOD, not teach them how to be catholic, lutheran or anything else. The only thing I can do is give them all the info and let them make their own decisions. So things that do not help me as far as i am concerned are: God only gives you what you can handle, God must have thought that you were a special person to give you a baby that he KNEW you could take care of, and my personal fave would be: God is always with you....um if that's true where was he when Alex's heart was developing...playing bingo? So I am a little (lot) bitter, just so you know, don't jump my shit when you read about DR. CP.

Before Alex had surgery I had arranged for an appointment with Dr. CP. He is a Cranial-Sacral doctor. Now I'm not 100% sure what a cranial sacral doc is but I do know that it took me 6 months to get an appointment. I had talked to other people who had seen him and other people who had taken their extremely complicated medical children to him and they had seen an improvement. He could be a voodoo doctor for all I knew and I would have brought a tarp to catch the chicken blood...don't want to ruin my shoes. I'm looking for help, and I'll take it where I can find it. Charlie isn't so sure. Anything that isn't set in stone makes him nervous. It's his way. He doesn't understand biorhythms or eastern medicine. Faith is his way...so this goes against everything he likes. But tough shit. If you could pray away Ebsteins I'm sure that the island of Puerto Rico would have accomplished it by now. So we went...so far twice.

The first time i though i was going to end up in Phx. because i was driving forever down 5 different dirt roads. Now as I said I am very open minded. I had already tried to find a baby acupuncturist and multiple pediatric massage therapists...no luck. If Alex had been able fly over water I would have taken him to China. But since that was a definite no I was happy to meet Dr. CP. He is a very religious man. There are paintings and statues and crosses everywhere. He asked me a few questions and then had me lay Alex on a bean bag thing on a table that sort of looked like a futuristic massage table. Now to me it looked like all he did was hold Alex's hips, ribs, and neck. Nothing else. No rubbing, turning or squeezing. Alex was pissed...he doesn't like people he doesn't know touching him. Holy crap, he was screaming his head off....and then....he stopped...passed out...cold. ARE YOU FREAKIN KIDDING. When Dr. CP was done Alex woke up and he was a big sweaty mess, the hair was awesome. I went to use the bathroom and I put Alex in his stroller and left him with the doc and friends. When I came out they were best friends. Alex was happy and smiling, sweaty, but smiling. They said to call if anything was weird.

It got weird. Some good, some bad. First, Alex was louder...a lot louder. He was babbling more and started rolling again. Secondly, he stopped sleeping. Alex had been sleeping thru the night...yes he wakes up at 4:30 but that's what happens after you spend month is in the hospital and that's what time they do your x-ray. But now he was waking up every 2 hours and he was pissed. Screaming bloody murder, no comforting him, just pure pissed-offedness. So I called. They said bring him in, we had opened something up that had to be worked out. When we got there Alex was sitting on my lap. Dr. CP came over and sat next to me and sort of jiggled Alex's feet like I do when we are playing. AND THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED: he closed his eyes, jiggled, and said "hmmm, I see, ok, there's the spot" wwwhhhatttt? How do you know? Then I laid Alex on the table again and he help his hips. Then his ribs...and said " in a minute he's going to be really upset" (1, 2, 3, 4........whaaaaaaaaa!!!!!) He never moved a finger, not a muscle, just sat there holding his ribs with his eyes closed. Then Alex stopped. Same thing while holding his neck. I have no clue what was going on. Was he talking to his body? Not sure, but Alex is sleeping again...we go back next week.

This guy could have rubbed peanut butter all over himself and done a rain dance and I wouldn't have cared....if it works. But his neck seems a little straighter, and he's rolling everywhere on the floor. I've got a bunch of doctors, I do what they say. But this one...had answers to my questions...so for now he's my little secret.