Tattle Tales Need Not Apply....

If you know me at all then you know I have verbal diahrea. Stuff falls out of my mouth when I do not have my foot in it. This Blog is to let my friends know what life is like with Alex. Sometimes, I will say not nice things. I will use bad words. I will type like I speak. If you are easily offended then this blog may not be the place for you. This is my place to shout, bitch and moan about all the wonderfulness that is Ebstein's Anolmaly and having a "baseball" husband.

Monday, September 7, 2009

My name is Samantha and my son is an addict....

For a kid like Alex, you would think that all of my constant bitching and stress would be directly related to the fact that his heart is a piece of shit...and I mean that in the most loving way I can think of of...but his heart id not my curent issue. It's his damn tummy. That button is going to drive me c-r-a-z-y!!!!! We went to see Dr. GI...remember the crazy lady I almost smacked...well, while I was there he gave me a prescription for Clonazapam, or as it's known around here in the "hood", or my house, CRACK. Great, another controlled substance for the almost 2 year old. Really people, why, why, why do we want to have him so strung out???

We have this stuff b/c of the oh so wonderful gagging and retching, sort of like the dry heaves after a looonnnggg night of tequila. Every time he "eats" or is "hooked up" to his pump he starts to gag, cough, heave and whatever else he can do about halfway thru his meal. Now, if I had called the feeding therapist she would have said it's a volume thing, the sensation of his tummy filling blah blah blah......as you can tell I've heard this alot. So I tried to slow the pump down to decrease the sensation...didn't work...then I tried to speed the pump up...hmmm....wait, I think I'm seeing something. He coughs based on time. Now when he coughs and gags he does usually throw up BUT it is usually alot of mucus and watery stuff from his lungs b/c he is coughing so hard. If he isn't throwing up formula which is in his tummy, and he better NOT be throwing up formula since he had a surgery to make sure what goes down does not come up then there is no reflux, the prevacid stopped working, must be behavioral or a really bad habit. GRRRREAT.

That means Alex is on crack. It's sort of like baby Vicodin, which could be funny except that I spend 90% of my day trying to get him to be mobile, crawl, stand, walk or something. Vicodin is not going to be helpful in that area. Then we have the oh so lovely side effects....yes I do read the insert...seizures, brain damage, suicidal thoughts.....do not stop taking....must be weaned...son of a bitch! I went thru this already with the Methadone....I had a 6 month old who was all tweaked up on Meth and I had to wean him soooo slow. It took months and now I'm looking at that again? Not to mention that his Physical Therapist is moving out of state in 3 weeks and then whom I going to get. There aren't alot of pediatric therapists in town, damn Tucson. So we are using this "Anxiety Medication" to hopefully modify his behavior or break his habit. His going to have a worse habit...crack!