Tattle Tales Need Not Apply....

If you know me at all then you know I have verbal diahrea. Stuff falls out of my mouth when I do not have my foot in it. This Blog is to let my friends know what life is like with Alex. Sometimes, I will say not nice things. I will use bad words. I will type like I speak. If you are easily offended then this blog may not be the place for you. This is my place to shout, bitch and moan about all the wonderfulness that is Ebstein's Anolmaly and having a "baseball" husband.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


They gave us a Hummer.  Well, I guess that "give" is the wrong word...lent, made available, begged us one....those could be better terms.  As part of Charlie' s deal he gets a car for the season from whatever sponsor they have.  It was Saturn (which doesn't really exist anymore) now Hummer.  It's huge!  I drive a Volvo, a little one at that...teeny, tiny,good on gas, easy to park...so the Hummer...eh.....not so much.  So I had to dive around Durham in the BIG PIMPIN HUMMER.  I got lost alot.  Not only b/c I haven't driven on a real freeway in for-ev-er, but because there ae so many damn trees.  Really people, how can you see around all those damn trees.  It's North Carolina not Yosemite....anyhoo...after trying to figure out the navigation sysyem I quickly gave up and used the google maps on my phone.  Now I am not an idiot but I could not figure out how to make the "voice" work...it just kept playing the radio anf showing me where i had been, NOT where I was going.  Lame, lame, lame...but it had a sunroof and I figured I could just run over the trees if i needed too so it worked out.  But I'm jumping around so I'll start at the...

Now I am a good flyer.  I plan.  I pack.  I have all the appropriate prescriptions and doctors notes to get Alex on the plane as well as all of his crap.  I have movies and DS games for Tyson.  But what I don't have is a sign that says "Yes, I look fine but I can't walk...please do not descriminate against me b/c I am not 90...I need help to the airplane".  I don't have a sign like that so I had to do the whole thing without any major muscle.  Tyson was awesome...carried his backpack, lunchbox, and my purse.  I had the carseat, which we had to use on the plane, diaper bag, tickets, and the amazing non walking, heavy as hell kid!  Once we got thru it it was cool.  Charlie picked us up at the airport along with his younger brother, wife, and my 2 nieces.  Some one must have warned my sister-in-law..she was actually pretty subdued (LOL).  Luckily for Charlie, they were there so he had help with my bags...I pack well...not light.  My niece on the other hand is the queen of pictures.  She took about a million in the airport, flashing the "deuces" with Tyson...can't wait till he explains that a peace sign isn't a peace sign anymore...it's deuces....to the nuns....grrrreat!

The next day was the game btwn the Bulls and the Rays.  Tyson went to the field in the morning with Charlie to play, and get autographs from the big-league guys...which he never did!  He sat in Charlie's office and played video games...nice.  That's why kids in the US are fat...their dads are professional athletes with access to everything and they STILL sit on their asses and play nintendo.  What a dork.  I love him but he'll be mad at himself later in life so whatever.  AND let me clarify that Tyson is not fat.  He is actually so damn thin that I am trying to convince him that candy and Hagen Das are food groups. So before the game, Alex got to go out on the field and walk around with Charlie and people were yelling "go Alex" and clapping...it was awesome.  Then he went with Charlie to get his ring. Does anyone else think it's wrong that my husband is wearing more diamonds than I am?  (and I'm not counting my earrings but even if I am he still has more)  Holy Moly!  Twinkle twinkle big ass ring!  He's actually wearing this one which is amazing.  He never wears the AL ring or the Biscuits ring.  I know he has others from when he was a player but he has given them away to his family but they'll come back to our house at some point.  Anyway...game...hot...long...walked up alot of stairs...and had to be nice to the "prayer people".  Now I'm not going to get into the whole God thing again...we all know my stance but the prayer list does seem a little weird to me, but again...just me.  So I spent a good amount of time listening to old people tell me that they had put him on this or that list.  Thank you very much for your prayers and thinking of us but now I'm going to have to move on so the next 80 bjillion people can tell me how he was on a list in Timbuktu.  BUT I did finally get to meet some Rays big-wigs that I have only spoken to on the phone.  They didn't look like I thought they would...for some reason Chaim was blonde in my head but he's not...again...not the point.   After we went to dinner at Chili's and I was STARVING!!!  Maybe I wouldn't have been sooooo hungry if we hadn't had to go back to the apartment and Skype with P.R.  I personally hate Skype...it looks grainy and I don't think it's a camera issue.  Everyone should just have a Mac so we can Ichat with whomever.  But we had to Skype with the PR family (took forever...really how long does an I love you, miss you and hope to see you in person soon take).  So FINALLY we went to eat....yummy!

Basically after that I hung out.  Tyson went to the field every day with Charlie.  I went to Moe's with Nicole (and alot of times without Nicole) and went to lunch at Mellow Mushroom with the wives.  Let me say in defense of the "wives" we are not stupid, vapid, or gold diggers.  We are highly organized people who have to be wife, mother, accountant, moving man, tax doer, and ego soother all at the drop of the hat.  Ego soother would probably #1 on the list....baseball husbands can act a little like babies, especially if they are losing or not hitting.  So we went to lunch....6 of us...2 babies...1 set of twins...and Alex.  Now Alex, much to my surprise decided that on this occasion he would......wait for it.....EAT AN ENTIRE PIECE OF PIZZA!!!!  I know...I know...how did this come to pass?  Who knows!  But he ate it, took over an hour but he did AND he didn't choke or gag.  Right there made him braver than Tyson when it comes to new food.  I was very excited the entire time even though I was trying to be cool about the whole thing.

After that, we flew home the next day, almost missed our connection and thankfully was picked up by the amazing driver who carried my bags without giving me any lip.  Now I have to do it again this summer......